ATL Zoning 2.0 is a comprehensive, multi-year process to rewrite an existing, 40 year old Zoning Ordinance that no longer meets Atlanta’s present and future needs. These deficiencies include many outdated standards that do not reflect City policies or best practices, and an overall format that’s complicated and not user-friendly.

The rewrite is an opportunity to comprehensively address these issues and create a new set of regulations that better serve the City and the ambitions of its residents.

Here you’ll find answers to an ever-growing list of frequently asked questions, as well as relevant supporting resources and background materials.

Not finding the answers you need? Get in touch.


Supporting Resources

Associated Meetings Archive

Atlanta City Council Zoning Committee Meeting
Held September 27, 2021.


Technical Approach and Zoning Diagnostic Updates (19mb .pdf)
A compilation of analysis and findings used to lay the foundation and approach for rewriting Atlanta’s Zoning Ordinance, including the Public Engagement Plan and Updated Legal Review.

Atlanta Zoning Diagnostic Report (8.1mb .pdf)
A compilation of the findings and recommendations of the Atlanta Zoning Diagnostic project, which began in October of 2015 and was completed in May of 2016.

Existing Pattern Analysis
A review of existing Atlanta neighborhood development patterns at the city, neighborhood, block, and building scales. This video provides a general overview, together with the following detailed files:

City Scale (7mb .pdf) | Neighborhood Scale (21.7mb .pdf) | Block Scale (25mb .pdf) | Building Scale (6mb .pdf) | Appendix A (4.4mb .pdf)